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We focus our research on the initial attachment of bacteria to different surfaces:


  • titanium alloys

  • glass and PMMA surfaces

  • mineral wool

  • tooth enamel


We study the formation of a biofilm pelicles.


We study the initial formation of biofilms in dilute bacterial suspensions.

Hydrodynamic cavitation


Hydrodynamic cavitation research is focused on the mechanism of bacterial killing


Use of different hydrodynamic cavitation regimes in water supply systems


  • undeveloped hydrodynamic cavitation

  • developed hydrodynamic cavitation

  • supercavitation


Use of lasser induced hydrodynamic cavitation in endodontic tratments

Antimicrobial tratments


We study the effect of different biocides on planktonic and biofilm bacteria


Use different ingeneerd surfaces to reduce bacterial attachement


  • hydrothermally trated titanium alloys

  • bioglass surfaces


We study the effectiveness of lasser induced hydrodynamic cavitation and chemical tratment in endodontic tratments

Antimicrobial treatment includes all procedures and techniques (mechanical, physical, chmical or biological) that can be used for control of microbial growth

Hydrodynamic cavitation is the process  of vaporisation, bubble generation and bubble implosion which occurs in a flowing liquid as a result of a decrease and subsequent increase in local pressure. It can be used for killing of microorganisms.


Biofilm is the most  common microbial life style. It is an aggregate of bacterial cells attached to each other and to the surface with the extracellular material produced by bacteria.

little knowledge can

be a dangerous thing

+386 1 320 3412

+386 1 320 3300

1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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